![]() Undisturbed Crypt v1
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ID: 165
Family ID:
Author: eMoo
Rarity: rare
Element: darkness
Attack Type: Decay
Attack Range: 1000
Attack CD: 1.95
Damage: 696-696
Abil. Factor: 0.55
Status: Approved
![]() Explodes a corpse within 1000 range of the tower, causing enemies in 500 range of the corpse to take 5% more damage from darkness towers and move 5% slower for 8 seconds. 5 second cooldown. Doesn't affect Air. Level Bonus: +0.2% slow and damage taken +0.25 seconds duration ![]() Has a 30% chance on attack to shoot an extra projectile. For each projectile after the initial one, there is a 30% chance to shoot an extra projectile. There is a maximum of 14 projectiles fired per attack. Level Bonus: +0.3% initial chance +0.6% extra chance |
Toggle Triggers Header globals
ProjectileType Top_Crypt_ball
ProjectileType meat
EventTypeList Top_Corpse_explode
Unit array targList
BuffType Top_Corpse_buff
function fire takes Unit tower returns nothing
local unit tu = tower.getUnit()
local unit u
local real tx = GetUnitX(tu)
local real ty = GetUnitY(tu)
local real r1
local real r2
local integer num = 0
local Unit U
local Iterate it = Iterate.overCorpsesInRange(tower,tx,ty,1000)
local Iterate it2
local Projectile proj
// loops through all the nearby corpses
if num == 0 then
set u = it.nextCorpse()
call it.destroy()
exitwhen u == null or num > 0
if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) == false then
set num = 0
set it2 = Iterate.overUnitsInRange(tower,TARGET_CREEPS,GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u),500)
set U = it2.next()
exitwhen U == 0
set targList[num] = U
set num = num + 1
// if corpse is an actual unit then it sets off the ability
if u != null then
call ShowUnit(u,false)
set U = 4
set tx = GetUnitX(u)
set ty = GetUnitY(u)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Orc\\OrcLargeDeathExplode\\OrcLargeDeathExplode.mdl",tx,ty))
call Effect.createScaled("Abilities\\Weapons\\MeatwagonMissile\\T_MeatwagonMissile.mdl",tx,ty,0,GetRandomReal(0,360),1.2).destroy()
exitwhen 0 <= U
set r1 = GetRandomReal(0.017,6.283)
set r2 = GetRandomInt(200,500)
set proj = Projectile.createLinearInterpolationFromPointToPoint(meat,tower,0,0,tx,ty,0,tx+r2*Cos(r1),ty+r2*Sin(r1),0,GetRandomReal(0.1,0.6))
call proj.setScale(0.5)
set U = U - 1
set U = 0
exitwhen U >= num
call Top_Corpse_buff.apply(tower, targList[U], tower.userInt)
set U = U + 1
set tu = null
set u = null
function incDmg takes Unit tower returns nothing
set tower.userInt = tower.userInt2+tower.userInt3*tower.getLevel()
function burstFire takes Tower tower, real chance, Creep target, real z returns nothing
local integer numShots = 0
local real x = tower.getX()
local real y = tower.getY()
local integer UID = target.getUID()
local Projectile p
set p = Projectile.createFromPointToUnit(Top_Crypt_ball,tower,1,1,x+GetRandomReal(-2*numShots,2*numShots),y+GetRandomReal(-2*numShots,2*numShots),z,target,true,false,false)
call p.setScale(0.4)
set p.speed = 500 + RMinBJ(numShots * 80,500)+numShots*20
set p.accelerate = RMaxBJ(20 - numShots * 2,0)
set numShots = numShots + 1
exitwhen tower.calcChance(chance) == false or numShots >= 14 or target.getUID() != UID
function hit takes Projectile p, Unit creep returns nothing
local Tower tower = p.getCaster()
call tower.doAttackDamage(creep,tower.getCurrentAttackDamageWithBonus(),tower.calcAttackMulticrit(0, 0, 0))
//Do not remove or rename this function!
//Put your initialization tasks here, this function will be called on map init
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local Modifier m = Modifier.create()
set Top_Crypt_ball = ProjectileType.create("Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\OrbOfDeath\\AnnihilationMissile.mdl",5,500)
call Top_Crypt_ball.enableHoming(ProjectileTargetEvent.hit,0)
set meat = ProjectileType.createInterpolate("Abilities\\Weapons\\MeatwagonMissile\\T_MeatwagonMissile.mdl",400)
set Top_Corpse_explode = EventTypeList.create()
call Top_Corpse_explode.addPeriodicEvent(fire,5)
call Top_Corpse_explode.addEventOnLevelUp(incDmg)
set Top_Corpse_buff = BuffType.create(8, 0.25, false)
call Top_Corpse_buff.setBuffIcon('@@0@@')
call m.addModification(MOD_MOVESPEED, 0, -0.001)
call m.addModification(MOD_DMG_FROM_DARKNESS, 0, 0.001)
call Top_Corpse_buff.setBuffModifier(m)
On Attack
ONATTACK_chance: 0.3
ONATTACK_chanceLevelAdd: 0.003
function onAttack takes Tower tower returns nothing
call burstFire(tower, 0.3+tower.getLevel()*0.006,Event.getTarget(),100)
On Tower Creation function onCreate takes Tower tower returns nothing
call tower.addEventList(Top_Corpse_explode)
set tower.userInt = 50 //This will be the base+level damage.
set tower.userInt2 = 50 //Base damage.
set tower.userInt3 = 2 //Level up damage.
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